Green Chlorite Phantoms & Inclusions
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Minimum Order OF COMBINED ITEMS IS: $100.00 

This is caused by a mixture of Aluminum, Ferrous Iron, and Magnesium, forming inside the Quartz Crystal, and forming into Phantoms, Sargent Stripes, Half Phantoms, House Tops, Moss and Assorted Inclusions.  These are a rare treat of nature.

Items 1-60    Items 61-120

Click photo to enlarge

3" x 2"

Item# PGP-01


2" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-02


4" x 2.5"

Item# PGP-03


3.25" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-04


1.5" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-05



3" x 2.75"

Item# PGP-06


2.5" x 2.5"

Item# PGP-07


2" x 2"

Item# PGP-08


1.25" x 1"

Item# PGP-09


2.5" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-10


2" x 3.5"

Item# PGP-11


4.5"x 2.5"

Item# PGP-12


2" x 2"

Item# PGP-13


2.5" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-14


3" x 2"

Item# PGP-15


2.5" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-16


2.5" x 1"

Item# PGP-17


2" x 2"

Item# PGP-18


2.5" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-19


3.25" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-20


2.5" x 2"

Item# PGP-21


2.5" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-22


4" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-23


2.75" x 1.25"

Item# PGP-24


3.25" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-25


1.75" x 1"

Item# PGP-26


2.5" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-27


2.25" x 0.75"

Item# PGP-28


3" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-29


1" x 2"

Item# PGP-30


2.5" x 2"

Item# PGP-31


2.5" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-32


2.5" x 1"

Item# PGP-33


2.5" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-34


2" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-35


3" x 1"

Item# PGP-36


2.75" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-37


1.75" x 1.25"

Item# PGP-38


2.25" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-39


2.25" x 2"

Item# PGP-40


2.5" x 1"

Item# PGP-41


2.25" x 1.25"

Item# PGP-42


2.5" x 2"

Item# PGP-43


2" x 2"

Item# PGP-44


1.75" x 1.25"

Item# PGP-45


2.25" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-46


2" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-47


2.75" x 1"

Item# PGP-48


2.5" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-49


2.75" x 1"

Item# PGP-50


2" x 2"

Item# PGP-51


2.5" x 2.5"

Item# PGP-52


2.75" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-53


2" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-54


1.5" x 2"

Item# PGP-55


3" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-56


2.5" x 2.25"

Item# PGP-57


1.5" x 1"

Item# PGP-58


3" x 1.75"

Item# PGP-59


3.25" x 1.5"

Item# PGP-60


Items 1-60    Items 61-120