Display Points
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Minimum Order OF COMBINED ITEMS IS: $100.00 

Items 1-60    Items 61-120    Items 121-180

4.75" x 2.75"

Item # LP-121


5.75" x 3"

Clear & super shiny

One natural reheal

Item # LP-122


2.75" x 5"

Perfect Point

Item # LP-123


10" x 8"

Item # LP-124


Laser Point

DT Hitchhikers

5.25" x 1.25"

Item # LP-125


8.5" x 4.5"

Item # LP-126


6" x 1.75"

Item # LP-127


5.5" x 2.25"

2 DT hitchhikers; perfect tip

Item # LP-128


3" x 5"

Free Standing

Item # LP-129


6" x 4.5"

Item # LP-130


4" x 10.5"

Unusual piece w/rehealed bottom

Item # LP-131


10.5" x 6"

Item # LP-132


7" x 4.25"

Item # LP-133


8" x 5.25"

Item # LP-134


4" x 2.25"

Item # LP-135


6.5" x 3"

2.5" lbs

Nice point, perfect top

Item # LP-136


6" x 3.5"

great DT with floater inside

Item # LP-137


7.5" x 5.25"

Item # LP-138


3.75" x 2.75"

Item # LP-139


6.5" x 7"

great generator

Item # LP-140


7" x 4.25"

Item # LP-141


9.5" x 7"'

nice generator

Item # LP-142


10" x 7.75"

Large point, not perfect,

but good

Item # LP-143


Perfect Tip

5.5" x 1.75"

Item # LP-144



4.5" x 4"

nice and shiny

Item # LP-145


8" x 2.25"

Center Point, Rehealed Base

Item # LP-146


5.5" x 4"

Item # LP-147



5" x 2.75"

Item # LP-148


3.5" x 3.5"

Item # LP-149


5.5" x 1.75"

DT Point with Barnacle

Item # LP-150


5" x 6.5"

Item# LP-151


4.5" x 2.75"

Perfect tip w/

w/2 keys on main face

Item# LP-152


4.5" x 3"

Item# LP-153


7"x 3.5"

good reheal

Item# LP-154


5.25" x 1.5"

C&S w/hitchhikers

Item# LP-155


5.25" x 7.75"

Item# LP-156


4.5" x 2.75"

Item# LP-157


3.5" x 2.5"

Super clear & Shiny

Good Piece

Item# LP-158


6.5" x 4.5"

Item# LP-159


6" x 3"

Item# LP-160


2.75" x 9.75"

Perfect long shard w/flat backside

Item# LP-161


5.5" x 4.5"

freestanding twin point

Item# LP-162


6.25" x 1.5"

Shard Point

w/tiny DT shard

Item# LP-163


8.5" x 6"

Item# LP-164


4.25" x 2.25"

Perfect Tip

Item# LP-165


5.25" x 2.25"

Not perfect, but super nice

w/ penetrators

Item# LP-166


Perfect Tip

Clearer than photo

4.5" x 1.25"

Item# LP-167


6" x 5"

Item# LP-168


5.5" x 2.5"

Item# LP-169


9.5" x 5"

6 lbs

Large tabby

Multi-pointed, nice

Item# LP-170


5.5" x 3"

Item# LP-171



4.5" x 2.25"

Blue Inclusion

Item# LP-172


4.5" x 2"

ET Point

2 Major Recordkeepers

Item# LP-173


4.25" x 2"

Super Nice display piece

Item# LP-174


6.5" x 4"

unusual piece, but nice

Item# LP-175


5" x 1.5"

Arkansas scepter w/great


Item# LP-176


6" x 4"

Item# LP-177



8" x 6.5"

super great reheal

Item# LP-178


4" x 3"

Item# LP-179


6.5" x 3.25"

Nice Wedge Point

Item# LP-180


Items 1-60    Items 61-120    Items 121-180